Pins & Links : french recipes

Dear all,

Last week, I promised you to share 3 French desserts recipes with apples, cherries and pears.

When I developed my first Spring/summer 2014 collection, I created a mini serie about fruits with 3 French proverbs :
  • Couper la poire en 2 (cut the pear in 2 slices),
  • Haut comme 3 pommes (small as 3 apples),
  • La cerise sur le gateau (the cherry on the cake).

 I associated a pear ice cream recipe, a apple tart and a cherry cake : 
  • La poire Belle Helene (Beautiful Helene pear ice cream), 
  • la tarte Normade (The Norman pie),
  • clafouti a la cerise (the French cherry cake)
Discover them here :

In French Wink, we introduced also a new French cook book developed by a French LA based woman, check out our article here.
