Pins & Links - Cold outside, Run to the Cafe Bacchus for a great hot chocolate drink January 31, 2015 bakery chocolate coffee culture DIY entrepreneur expatriation french histoires learn lifestyle love New York pompom pompons snow +
Learn&play - a pompom sweety chenille to stop cold outside! January 28, 2015 caterpilar DIY expatriation histoires home decor New York pompom pompons warm +
learn & Play - Clap your hands with the french kid song Clic Clac des mains to reheat your hands January 24, 2015 cold culture DIY entrepreneur expatriation french hand histoires kid song lifestyle love New York play pompom pompons snow +
French in Art - French in ice sculptures January 21, 2015 art craft culture entrepreneur expatriation french histoires ice learn lifestyle New York pompom pompons quebec sculpture snow vintage +
Pompoms of the world - pompoms and snow in the French Alpes ski station Les contamines January 17, 2015 art cold culture entrepreneur expatriation french french Alpes histoires learn lifestyle love nature New York pompom pompons skating ski snow tree +
Learn & play posts - tuto for costumized winter shoes January 14, 2015 accessories cold craft DIY entrepreneur french ice New York pompom pompons +
Learn & Play - how to create a snowman scarf for winter January 10, 2015 accessories cold craft DIY pompom pompons scarf snow snowman +
Pins & links.... Which Winter games in New York? and Where? January 07, 2015 art cold culture DIY entrepreneur expatriation french histoires ice kids learn lifestyle love New York play pompom pompons skating ski subway +
Learn&Play - a snow party by Histoires de pompons in French Wink January 03, 2015 craft culture DIY french french wink histoires ice kid song learn New year New York play pompom pompons snow +
Wha's going on this first year month? Histoires de pompons play with the snow! January 03, 2015 art craft culture DIY entrepreneur expatriation french handmade histoires home decor kids learn lifestyle love New year New York pompom pompons snow +
Histoires de pompons wish you a Happy new year January 01, 2015 art christmas craft culture entrepreneur Eve french histoires New year New York pompom pompons snow +